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Tom and Ruth and PBJ

Posted in Uncategorized by BJ Hill on April 16, 2012

I volunteered for the 116th Annual Boston Marathon today. I was on the medical crew supervising runners after they came across thje finish line, making sure no one crashed once they stopped running. Every Marathon has a ton of cool stories. I met a guy who was marking his 50th marathon, got to chat with a bunch of racers from Japan, saw Team Hoyt, watched a blind runner cross the finish line, translated enough to realize a runner who only spoke only Spanish was saying he was in respiratory distress (uh oh), and ran into a fellow Med Crew RN from the 3Day Walk for Breast Cancer.

But one of the most interesting stories was from Ruth and Tom. I was standing on the corner by the med tent, quickly wolfing down my complementary Peanut Butter and Jelly lunch before the runners came, when a man behind me asked how my sandwich was.

Uh, good, I said.

Great, my wife and I made that last night.

At first I laughed and thought he was kidding, but Ruth and Tom explained every year they make all the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the volunteers and runners.The night before the race, they sit down and spread 5000 (yes, five thousand) PB and J’s. They’ve been doing it every year since 1988. That’s a lot sandwiches.

It’s cool little stories like this that make me want to come back next time.
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